Thursday, March 15, 2012

Its hard to know where to go from here.

If its after were diagnose, had surgery or months or years after surgery its hard to know where to go now. Our life has changed for the good and the bad. But it has changed. As we are in the community of all illness's we don't really fit because most people have not heard of Chiari. So we have to make a discussion on how you will move forward. Will you let this disease take your life and go down with it or will you rise up and grow from it? This is not a easy discussion to make and some days you may go back and forth feeling like you are on some amusement ride that we can't ride but our life is like it and the ride person that stops the ride forgot to let us off. So are you going to enjoy the ride or be scared that you can't get off? 

There is a time in our life that we have to take our life back and make it what ever we want it to be. Push the negative away engulf yourself in the positive love that is there for you from many. How can we do this? Learn what you want now, not then or latter but now. Look at what has been and find what you are meant to do. As much as Chiari has hurt us don't let it anymore stop letting it rule your life stand strong Chiari is over 100 storms and more but stand strong and move forward.

 In this I have learned that the most frustrating thing is that people don't know, heard of or understand Chiari, so teach them. If your child has it go to there school start teaching them what it is. If it is your family or friends talk to them and send them love and let everyone know it is ok to be scarred. We stand on our own two feet alone but together and you are the only one that can move forward. Fallow your heart learn your body and then teach. We don't need doctors to tell us how we feel we need them to help us get better. The rest is up to us, you, me, your child, your friend, your partner and the loved ones. 

I’m not the Chiari house I am Heather and I have Chiari. Chiari does not get to take my life I get to make the choose of what I do. There are limitations but I learn from it and rise up and stand in front of the ones that pushed me down and send them love. I washed away the anger and let life in to enjoy what I have and what I can give and that is my love, support, my teachings and myself to all who needs or wants it.

This is just one Chiarian, Zipperhead, Mother with a child with Chiari saying I love you I support you and you are never alone never.
With all my love and support Heather Founder of Zipperheads for Chiari

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