Saturday, February 18, 2012

I made this site and support group to reach out and hope that I was not alone, almost 3 years later I find that we are so not alone! We are needed in this world of craziness. I have always been a fire ball of a person and have always put people in front of me, people use to and sometimes still do tell me that it is a bad thing until I come on here and my blog and see what "we" are doing, making a change.

I was raised at a very young age to love and give to others and I took that to heart. Boy I had know Idea where I'd be at 35 years old. None of us did. But I or the admins on this page could not be spreeing love and support with out all of you. You all are as important then anyone on this page. Together we become stronger and more aware that Chiari is not rare and not an easy disease to live with but we are not alone.

 I have a new saying that I believe as much as the fact that I have Chiari, "We are never alone, we are not born alone, we do not live alone and we do not die alone and we are all loved".

 I have watched my 15 year old daughter go through getting diagnosed with Chiari having the surgery and now is recovering. I must say I wish I could take it away from her but I can't so what I do is go further down the line to find out why we have this disease and I promise I will find it. This is a very hard road to walk but we are never walking it alone, we walk together. 

The only way to make Chiari known in this world is to all come together and stand as one. Educate your self learn how your body works read how your nerves system works, keep a medical journal, learn the laws of the medical world. Become your own advocate and if you can't ask for help. Don't take the information as hear say look it up read the NS's articles education is the only way we will become better. This disease is evolving not only in our lives but the medical world also. We need to become one. The reason I'm not on here all the time is because I am researching not only for my child but for all the children. It's time to take the fear and negative thoughts out  of how we think and start thinking on how to live and not let Chiari rule our life's.  I promise I understand it is not easy but it can happen and make a different not just in your life but in our community.

 My name is Heather and I am the founder of Zipperheads for Chiari our main goal is to send love and support to all that are effected by Chiari.

We are always here for you with love and support.

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