Monday, January 2, 2012


We all have our journeys and it is hard to understand what others are going through. When people are sick and we choose to stop and listen it seems to change not only us but the way people react to us. Some are more open and some are more closed and this can be a blessing or a hardship but in the end it is a lesson. If you are anything like me I often wounder when the lessons are over, until I learn what I have not and then understand why I learned it and it was all worth it. As we become sick or our loved ones do and live with it daily it is harder on us and the ones that live with us because there is no escape. As others can say to them self I have had enough or I have more to deal with work, bills, friends, family, school or any other life journeys we/they deal with. One of the problems with the ones that can not escape is that this is our life we live in pain we can not get over it or we watch our loved one suffer daily.

 I have both I live with it and watch my daughter suffer everyday but not just my daughter who is sick my son, my husband and my mother-in-law who lives with us. It effects others but not as much as the ones who live in the house with us. Or Emalee's boyfriend who stands by her at this young age and try’s to be strong when you see how scarred he is for her and how helpless he feels as we all do. As the surgery date gets closer we are blessed to have a doctor who will do surgery but we also know that at 15 years old she will be having brain surgery and at any age it seems unfair let alone a child.

 As a mother I want to scream and cry and try and stop this, as a Chiarian I know this is the best we can be doing for her as the person I am I want to not only help my daughter but change all that have been affected by this disease and any other illness. The one thing I keep going back to as how much I changed in a good way after my surgery and how I found myself. We were brought up to believe be are born in this world alone and die alone and I disagree. We are never alone even when we want to be, we are always with love and support. We make our life journey what we want to make it. We create our own happiness. We have the power to move negativity out of our life and enjoy the beauty in life even when it is sad it can still be beautiful. We don't have to understand all we get to deiced is if we what to except all and there differences and love them. Some you just have to let go and some come into your life when you had no idea you needed them. Life works in all very amazing way, it is up to you and the way you take it in. Please don't get me wrong I am freakin out about Emalee's surgery but I have deiced to take the negative out and replace it with love, peace, happiness, life, sadness and let it just be.

So please just remember you are not alone we are never alone and we understand even when you think your the only there is someone out there who does and they love you but you also don't have to understand to love and support. The ball is always in your court as they say!

I love you with love and support always.

Heather, founder of Zipperheads for Chiari,

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