Thursday, May 10, 2012

When we are Ill,

There is a magic that we all have in us, a gift some may say or call it. Sometimes we lose it or forget about it but it's still there waiting for you to open it back up and share it. This magic we all have is hard for us to use everyday. When we are Ill or watching a love one suffer we forget we have it in us. We seem to get caught up in our daily life and forget about how wonderful life is. That can be a truly hard thing to do when your ill. As a person who is sick and has children with the same illness I find myself forgetting about my magic. I find my self grasping for air at times and wondering what have I done to live with so much pain but most of all watching my children live with the same pain.

 I seem to forget about the magic when I focus on the family and friends that are not here and do not support us because it hurts so much. Then I some how get a slap in the face and no matter how bad I psychically feel I remind my self of my magic my gift my blessing and that is, what keeps me going. I can not make anyone be there for us or help us or even expect them to understand if they do not want to because that is unfair. The only thing I can do is be the best human I can and use that magic the best way and so I hope I do.

 I call our human connection our human understanding and human love magic. When you step back and think of what those 3 magical things can do for you and others it really is magic.

 Everyday is hard, it is not a walk in the park or a nice Sunday drive our life is staring us in the face every moment we have and we try and embrace it with some magic. It's the hardest thing I have ever done but I don't give up. I have had to reach out to others for support and find my own way to get where I am this is how I live my life and how we deal with it. I live in a house with 3 Chiarians ages 36 to 9 years old and it's hard.

 It's unfair we all suffer but you have magic too. Even on the bad days of the pain and sadness your magic can make it just a little better. I know I'm not alone and you are not either but it is hard not to feel alone during the part of the days when you are left with your thoughts. One of my journeys was to be able to be alone with my self and enjoy it. Once I was able to do that I was able to open my magic up and share it. I want to share my magic with all of you. Know matter what illness you have it is Chiari, Cancer, Chronic pain or an other illness or a loved on that lives with a ill person you are not alone and you have that magic to help yourself so you can help someone else.

Life is to short and to hard to not enjoy your magic!

With love and support

I send my magic too all of you

Heather Founder of Zipperheads for Chiari <3

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